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La instalación de un router con Vyos, es bastante sencilla, tan solo hay que arrancar la imagen ISO que se descarga desde la web de Vyos. Una vez descargada, arrancamos desde la ISO y el sistema presentará la pantalla de login, usando como user vyos con password vyos nos aparecerá el prompt

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

desde aquí procederemos a instalarlo en el disco de nuestra máquina con el comando install image

vyos@vyos:~$ install image
Welcome to the VyOS install program.  This script will walk you through the process of installing the VyOS image to a local hard drive.
Would you like to continue? (Yes/No) [Yes]: Yes Probing drives: OK
Looking for pre-existing RAID groups...none found.
The VyOS image will require a minimum 2000MB root.
Would you like me to try to partition a drive automatically
or would you rather partition it manually with parted? If
you have already setup your partitions, you may skip this step
Partition (Auto/Parted/Skip) [Auto]:
I found the following drives on your system:
 sda    94294MB
Install the image on? [sda]:
This will destroy all data on /dev/sda.
Continue? (Yes/No) [No]: Yes
How big of a root partition should I create? (2000MB - 4294MB) [4294]MB:
Creating filesystem on /dev/sda1: OK
Copying /opt/vyatta/etc/config.boot.default to sda. Enter password for administrator account
Enter password for user 'vyos':
Retype password for user 'vyos':
I need to install the GRUB boot loader.
I found the following drives on your system:
 sda    94294MB
Which drive should GRUB modify the boot partition on? [sda]:
Setting up grub: OK

Una vez instalado procederemos a reiniciar con reboot